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Posted 2022-2023 CABA PresidentMarch 2023Behold, we know not anything;
I can but trust that good shall fall
At last – far off – at last, to all,
And every winter change to spring.
Alfred Lord Tennyson “In the Valley of Cauteretz” (1847)
As this new edition of the CABA newsletter goes to press, I am in the thick of preparing for a jury trial – probably the most time-and-energy intensive endeavor that litigators ever face. The rest of the world has to recede from view for a time. It takes a team to get through trial, but it also takes a team to keep everything else stable and moving forward.
It’s good to know that some things can be counted on, even as everything around us seems to be constantly in flux. For me, CABA is one of those things.
I know that when my trial duties conclude, our April 18 membership lunch/CLE meeting at the Capital Club will be on the horizon. This year, the Bench & Bar Committee will present “Journey to Judgeship: Views and Perspectives from the Bench to the Bar.”
I know that plans for our annual Evening Honoring the Judiciary, set for May 10 at the Country Club of Jackson, include a distinguished panel of state and federal court judges with 15 years (or more) on the bench (thank you Judge Brewer, Judge Jordan, Judge Kidd, Judge McDaniel, Judge Thomas and Justice Kitchens!).
I know that CABA will have the pleasure of presenting another check to the Mississippi Volunteer Lawyers Project from the proceeds of our annual golf tournament.
I know that our Community Outreach Committee will continue to look for ways our members can provide an impact in the local community, like reading to students at Obama Magnate School in Jackson and East Flora Elementary School on Read Across America Day.
I know that CABA members will continue to step up as officers, board members, committee chairs and volunteers. To that end, I’d like to congratulate newly-elected directors Claire Barker and John Rouse and Secretary/Treasurer Missye Scott.
Thanks to your steadfast participation and willingness to serve, I know that Mississippi’s largest bar association will continue to thrive.