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Posted 2020-2021 CABA PresidentJanuary 2021Welcome 2021! I think most everyone will agree with me when I say that I’m happy to say good-bye to the year 2020!! At this time last year, we had no idea of the challenges that would present itself to us as individuals, our community, and our profession. As I reflect on the past year, I am proud of the obstacles that we overcame and our accomplishments. The upcoming year is full of potential.
Our CABA Board was sad not to be able to hold our Annual Christmas Party due to the COVID-19 numbers. However, we were pleased to be able to match the donations from our members for Toys for Tots. I am pleased to announce that CABA raised $2,400 for the Toys for Tots program. Thank you to everyone who donated this year – there was more of a need this past year than ever before.
Starting this month, CABA will be bringing more virtual CLEs to you. Look for an announcement in the upcoming weeks about those opportunities. Once again, these virtual events will be at no cost to our members. Planning continues for our Annual Golf Tournament and the Evening Honoring the Judiciary. We are hopeful that both events will be able to happen as live, in-person events.
I want to give a special thank you to all of the members of CABA’s Board, our Executive Director, and our committee chairs and co-chairs. All of these individuals are putting in hard work to make this year a success and bring quality events and programs to you, whether virtual or in-person.