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Posted 2015 - 2016 CABA PresidentDecember 2015As the holidays approach, we often think of those less fortunate than ourselves. It is hard to believe that just a few blocks away from your law offices, many families are struggling just to put food on the table and simply cannot afford Christmas gifts for their children. Our Capital Area Bar Association is working to ensure that no child wakes up on Christmas morning without a gift.
CABA is partnering with Toys for Tots and will be placing donation bins at the Mississippi Bar Center and numerous law firms. We anticipate this will be our largest effort to provide gifts for the children in our community. CABA has placed donation bins in local law firms, and we will also collect toys at our Christmas social on December 3rd at the Old Capitol Inn. That evening, CABA will present the toys to the U.S. Marine Corps. Through the overwhelming generosity of our association, we will help hundreds of families. I look forward to everyone’s participation, and I hope you will attend our Christmas social and the presentation.
The holiday season is a time of giving, and in this issue of our newsletter, we profile some of the ways that CABA members have recently given back to our legal community and the greater Jackson community. CABA members joined with other local attorneys to provide free legal assistance to expunge prior criminal convictions. Our members met with clients and prepared petitions and orders for expungement of eligible criminal charges. The CABA Women’s Initiative co-sponsored the first ever Policy Summit in Jackson, where guest speaker Anita Hill addressed issues that impact the economic security of women in Mississippi. You can read more about these events in this issue of the newsletter.
CABA will celebrate our accomplishments not just during the holidays but throughout the coming year. CABA has an active social media platform through Facebook and Twitter. I encourage each of you to help us build our social media presence by following us, liking us, and commenting. You can also comment on the articles in our newsletter using a new comment feature at the end of each article. Let us know what you think!