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Posted 2014 - 2015 CABA PresidentApril 2015Dear CABA Members:
Many of you have kept track of "all things CABA" so you are aware that each month, the CABA Board of Directors meets to discuss our missions, goals and objectives of the year. It serves as a reminder to simply check in with our committees and each other to ensure we are on task. As President of CABA, I have the pleasure of serving alongside these great leaders of the Bar. I also have the great task of developing the agenda for each month to kick start our discussions. Certainly our minutes are available for your review, but I wanted to provide you with a sneak peek into our upcoming agenda and the many tasks ahead this Spring.
To say we are having a busy Spring would be a HUGE understatement. CABA has a little something for everyone. For you "wanna be free" in the beautiful spring types, we've had our annual Legal Beagle 5K and our annual Golf Tournament to do just that while raising funds for a great cause. Or perhaps you are the "get out and serve" type. If so, there's the Food from the Bar project designed to encourage individual donations from CABA members to donate to the Mississippi Food Network. Or perhaps you are the party type and like to celebrate — in addition to the social we had after the golf tournament, there will be a Spring Social this month to welcome and celebrate our newest members of the bar.
Perhaps you are slammed and simply trying to manage a growing practice — if so, the small firm committee organized a great CLE, "Getting Help to Move Beyond Administration to Enjoy the Practice," to bring you the tools/people you need to help you ALL while earning CLE credit. Are you vigorously trying to finalize that pre-trial order, motion, trial preparation? If so, you may want to pause and perhaps come meet that Judge in a less formal environment at our April CABA meeting or visit with our judges during our formal Evening Honoring the Judiciary in May. Or perhaps, you are the "laid back kinda girl/guy," settled in your career and would like to simply put your money where your mouth is — if so, there's an opportunity to sponsor one of our CABA events or make a personal contribution to the Mississippi Volunteer Lawyers Project (MVLP) on behalf of CABA.
Whatever your type … get involved. While membership has its privileges — including an opportunity to obtain great CLE at free or minimum costs – there are opportunities to involve non-CABA members as well. So please share with your friends. Below is a listing of our upcoming events — get out there and get going …
Media Launch of the CABA "Food from the Bar" Campaign.
An opportunity for CABA members to give back to the community through providing food donations and/or fundraising campaign for the MS Food Network to assist needy families in our communities. For more information, email Hewitt Jones at Hewitt@griffinjoneslaw.com or Michael Bentley at mbentley@babc.com.
CABA Membership Meeting and CLE Seminar "Shaking Things UP: A View from the Bench, the Bar and Beyond."
3 hour CLE including ethics hour and lunch; CLE Seminar 9:30 am to 11:30 am; Panelists: Nakimuli Davis Primer, Baker Donelson; Tammra Cascio, Gulf Guaranty Insurance; Judge Carlton Reeves, U.S. District Court Southern District of MS; Judge Tomie Green, Senior Judge, Hinds County Circuit Court; and Judge Cynthia Brewer, Senior Chancellor Madison, Leake, Yazoo & Holmes.
Noon Hour Keynote: The Honorable Bernice Donald, U.S. District Court 6th Circuit Court of Appeals, Cost: CABA Member ($45.00); Non-CABA ($100.00); Noon Hr. Event Only ($20.00); Cost includes lunch & CLE; For more information, email Marlena Pickering at mpickering@bakerdonelson.com or Tammye Brown at tbrown@brunini.com.
Bar Admissions Spring Social
Iron Horse Grill: from 5:30pm – 7:30pm CABA and JYL invite you to come celebrate, socialize and network and welcome newly admitted members of the Mississippi Bar.
Evening Honoring the Judiciary
Featured Speaker: Paulette Brown, President Elect of ABA; Country Club of Jackson; 6:00pm Reception; 7:00pm Dinner; For sponsorship information, please contact Amanda Green Alexander at aga@alexanderlawpa.com or Gretchen Kimble at gretchen@mississippivision.com.
For more information about "all things CABA" please visit us at www.caba.ms.
Best, Amanda Green Alexander, President