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Posted 2016 - 2017 CABA PresidentJune 2017It has been an honor and a privilege to serve as President of the Capital Area Bar Association this year. Thank you for your trust and support.
CABA has had a busy year as discussed in previous reports. Recently, CABA hosted the annual Evening Honoring the Judiciary and it was fantastic. Nearly 250 people joined in the festivities and had an opportunity to thank over 40 federal and state judges who attended. Chief Justice Bill Waller, Jr. of the Mississippi Supreme Court delivered remarks and Chief Justice Carl Stewart of the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals provided the keynote address. CABA also presented its 2017 awards at the dinner. CABA’s highest honor, the Professionalism Award, was presented to George R. Fair. Brad Moody received the CABA Outstanding Service Award and Kathleen Cook Baxter received the CABA Pro Bono Award. CABA will close out the bar year with its Spring Social on May 25.
Bar associations like CABA highlight the best attributes of our profession. CABA promotes high standards of professional conduct; encourages the efficient administration of justice; furnishes a forum in which problems of lawyers and the administration of justice generally can be discussed; cultivates the spirit of cooperation and fellowship among our members; and gives back to the community — all with the goal of helping to foster the highest respect of our profession in the community.
In short, CABA works to showcase the noblest attributes of lawyers. So, this year I encouraged participation in CABA and worked to ensure our members had many opportunities to take part — chances to give back to the community, to get to know fellow lawyers, to meet area judges, and to make a difference. The response of our membership was exceptional.
Thanks to everyone that participated in CABA’s activities and to over 100 of you that signed up for and served on a CABA committee. I would like to particularly acknowledge the hard work of CABA’s committee chairman and the board members, and hope you will as well:
Arthur Johnston and Margaret Cupples
Amy Champagne and Ashley Hendricks
Nakimuli Davis-Primer
Lanny Pace and Matt Grenfell
Jim Rosenblatt and Christina Seanor
Meta Copeland and Parker Berry
Kate Margolis
Cody Gibson and Matthew Thompson
Clarence Webster
Kaytie Pickett and Keishunna Webster
Ben Piazza
Jack McCants
Again, thanks for allowing me to serve our organization.
Meade Mitchell
CABA President, Partner at Butler Snow
Email: meade.mitchell@butlersnow.com