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Posted 2016 - 2017 CABA PresidentJuly 2016Thanks for being a member of CABA. So many of you are active in CABA’s activities, and we thank you. If you are not active, we would love for you to get involved. CABA participation is a way to give back to the community, to get to know fellow lawyers, to serve your bar, to meet area judges, to make a difference, or maybe all of these for you. Whatever the reason, we welcome your participation.
You can become involved by attending the membership meetings, CLEs and socials. You can also join one of these active committees:
We are seeing fantastic interest in the committees for 2016 – 2017. Hopefully, you have signed up for one. If not, it is not too late!
Bar associations highlight the best attributes of our profession. Over the years, we have all seen our share of lawyer jokes, like the ones below.
While perhaps funny, such jokes do not protray lawyers in the best light (and certainly not the way I see them). On the other hand, the bar associations of our country strive to showcase the noblest attributes of lawyers. That is what CABA is all about. CABA’s mission is:
To promote, and maintain among its members high standards of professional service and conduct toward clients, fellow lawyers, the public and the courts; to promote the efficient administration of justice through constant review of the law ensuring the highest quality integrity on the bench; to furnish a forum in which problems of the lawyer and the administration of justice generally can be studied and discussed; to promote and preserve the adversary system of justice and trial by jury; to promote and cultivate the spirit of the corporation and good fellowship among the members of this association; all to the end of fostering and maintaining the highest respect of the members of the community.
Lawyer jokes will not stop because you participate in CABA (and some may still be amusing). But, you can do your part in creating a positive perception of lawyers by becoming an active CABA participant and volunteer. CABA is your bar association and by aiding its mission of bringing out the noblest attributes of lawyers, you can always say: “Yes, I’m an Attorney, But I use my powers for good.”
So, whether you practice in Hinds County or the metropolitan areas of Madison and Rankin Counties, we encourage you to volunteer. Maybe you can even nudge your fellow lawyers to as well. At a minimum, please take a brief break from law practice and attend our bi-monthly membership meetings (lunch is provided as a benefit of your membership).
I look forward to seeing you at one of the many CABA slated activities, and I am honored to be serving as President of CABA this year!
Meade Mitchell
CABA President, Partner at Butler Snow
Email: meade.mitchell@butlersnow.com