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Posted 2020-2021 CABA PresidentApril 2021The practice of law as we know it seems to slowly be getting back to normal. In-person trials have resumed and are increasing with more frequency across Mississippi. Other court proceedings and depositions are transitioning from virtual zoom to in-person proceedings. Law firms are transitioning from remote work to being back in the office. While things are returning to the pre-pandemic practice of law, I find myself wondering which of the modifications made within the court system and law firm structure we will see going forward. I imagine that courts may continue to use zoom for conferences and motion hearings, and we will see more client conferences on zoom. Expenses can be saved on cases by conducting depositions by zoom. It will be interesting to watch and see how this pandemic evolved the practice of law.
CABA was thrilled to host our first in-person event at our Annual Golf Tournament on March 22 at The Country Club of Jackson. The turnout was fantastic for the tournament with 104 registered golfers who enjoyed a fun afternoon of golf and beautiful weather. Thank you to Jake Bradley, the chair of the event and to John Hawkins as co-chair of the event. We are pleased to be able to dedicate the proceeds of the golf tournament to the Mississippi Volunteer Lawyers Project.
Judge LaKeysha Greer Isaac and Alison O’Neal, co-chairs of the Women’s Initiative Committee organized a CLE entitled “Switch Off COVID-19 Stress” which was held by zoom on February 25. The attendees heard from a qualified line-up of speakers and was very well attended.
The Evening Honoring the Judiciary will be held on May 13 at The Country Club of Jackson and we hope that you will join us. The event will feature “A Conversation with Rob McDuff and Wayne Drinkwater.” There will be safety measures in place to address COVID-19 concerns and adhere to local regulations. Watch for your invitations and don’t forget to RSVP as advance registration is required this year.
The Diversity Committee is planning a couple programs via zoom so watch your inbox for announcements of these upcoming events.
Thank you to the CABA Board, our committee chairs and members and our Executive Director for all their hard work to ensure that we have a successful year.