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Posted 2016 - 2017 CABA PresidentMarch 2017Throughout the year, I have told you of the fine works performed by the Capital Area Bar Association and the opportunities our bar association affords each of you. I wanted to let you know the impressive things that CABA is doing for our community and for our members this year. Let’s count the ways:
During each CABA membership meeting the Diversity Committee presents a “Did You Know” moment on diversity and inclusion. The committee is also sponsoring a generational diversity presentation on April 18, 2017.
The Community Outreach/Pro Bono Committee, along with the Mississippi Access to Justice Commission and others, sponsored two free legal assistance workshops in October and November to help individuals qualify for and obtain expungements. The committee conducted a Toys for Tots drive in connection with the CABA Christmas party and also served at Stewpot in December.
Opportunities to interact are important in our organization and the Social Committee has been exceptionally busy. It conducted a Fall Social, the annual CABA Christmas Party, and the first ever Bar Review at the Apothecary. The committee is planning a Spring Social and additional Bar Reviews this year.
Your Law Related Education Committee will again conduct an essay contest for 6th and 7th graders in the Jackson area. Each year essays are submitted by students throughout the area. Last year over 190 essays were received and prizes were awarded to authors of the top legal essays.
The Women’s Initiative Committee sponsored a luncheon earlier this month to discuss issues impacting women lawyers. Two female judges presided over a panel discussion on these issues. The committee also sponsored a law student to attend the Evelyn Gandy Lecture Series in February.
This year’s golf tournament will be on March 27, 2017 at the Country Club of Jackson. Each year the substantial proceeds from this well attended event are donated to the Mississippi Volunteer Lawyers Project.
The Solo and Small Firm Committee will sponsor a CLE event this year for small firm practitioners. This event will be a continuation of the “Hang Your Shingle” event sponsored last year.
The Bench and Bar Committee will sponsor a CLE event during the March 21 CABA membership meeting. Chancery, Circuit and County Judges from Rankin, Madison and Hinds Counties will present their “View from the Bench.” Additionally, the Committee is working to compile procedures, including possible “how-to” videos, for the operation of courtroom technology in each courtroom in the tri-county area. Also, each year the committee sponsors the Dinner for the Judiciary, which affords an opportunity for fellowship and a chance to thank the state and federal judges who provide so much to our profession. This year’s dinner is on May 18 at the Country Club of Jackson. Chief Judge Carl Stewart of the Fifth Circuit is the keynote speaker.
The Library Committee administers a sizable fund which maintains various law libraries in our area and provides funding for several free Westlaw access portals for our members. This year the committee also approved an allocation to purchase courtroom technology equipment for two circuit courtrooms in Hinds County.
Each year, after an extensive review of many nominations submitted from throughout the area, the Professionalism Committee selects an outstanding lawyer as the recipient of the prestigious CABA Professionalism Award.
The Membership Committee actively recruits new members in the tri-county area and participates in the two yearly Mississippi Bar swearing-in ceremonies. Also, please take a look at our Facebook site and active Twitter feed.
This is the third of four outstanding newsletter editions planned this year.
Over 500 lawyers were photographed for the first courthouse composite in recent memory.
Speakers this year have included Briggs Hopson, Mississippi Bar President; Adam Kilgore’s CLE presentation; Duane O’Neill, CEO, Greater Jackson Chamber Partnership; and Mississippi Lieutenant Governor Tate Reeves.
Over 100 lawyers have participated in the CABA committees that make these activities possible. I believe CABA has provided and will continue to provide value to each of you and to our community. So, if you have not attended a CABA event recently, please do. If you want to become more involved, you need only contact Pat Evans, CABA’s Executive Director, or any member of the CABA Board and they will work to help you engage as fully as you desire.
I look forward to seeing you soon.
Meade Mitchell
CABA President, Partner at Butler Snow
Email: meade.mitchell@butlersnow.com