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Posted Newsletter Editorial BoardNovember 2012This month we honor our veterans. Here is a site that gives you an opportunity to do so. The National League of Families of American Prisoners and Missing in Southeast Asia (www.pow-miafamilies.org) was incorporated in the District of Columbia on May 28, 1970. Voting membership is comprised of wives, children, parents, siblings and other close relatives of Americans who were or are listed as Prisoners of War (POW), Missing in Action (MIA), Killed in Action/Body not Recovered (KIA/BNR) and returned American Vietnam War POWs. Associate membership is comprised of POW/MIA and KIA/BNR relatives who do not meet voting membership requirements, veterans and other concerned citizens. The League’s sole purpose is to obtain the release of all prisoners, the fullest possible accounting for the missing and repatriation of all recoverable remains of those who died serving our nation during the Vietnam War.
Manuals are for smart people who want to know how to get the most out of their products. But what if you’ve lost it? Or maybe you bought a used product that didn’t come with a manual. No problem!
Look for it at ManualsLib.com. It’s an online library packed with manuals for a wide variety of equipment. This database consists of more than 868,349 PDF files and becomes bigger every day. Search results include manual name, description, size and number of pages. You can either read the manual online or download it to your computer. Moreover, documents can be shared on social networks.
More and more, computing includes the power of portable devices. The following applications and web addresses may prove helpful. Thanks to Cheryl Niemeier.
ABA Journal – Instant access to legal news and monthly articles reported by the most well-know United States’ legal journal.
CCH IntelliConnect Mobile – Available to IntelliConnect subscribers, this app includes content from several Aspen treatise titles and Smart Charts from IntelliConnect in a variety of areas including: corporate governance, federal banking, financial reform, and secured transactions.
CLEMobile – Created by Westlaw, this app allows the user to search and download CLE courses. You can then watch and listen to them on your iPad and get CLE credit if your state allows.
Congressional Record – Access to the daily edition of the Congressional Record and permits browsing of editions back to Jan. 4, 1995 on your iPad.
Constitution – Access to the entire United States Constitution.
DocketLaw – Calculate court deadlines based on rules specific to a jurisdiction. Calculations can be performed based on the rules of more than 300 federal and state courts.
E-Delaware – Access to Delaware corporate and alternative entity statutes, Articles 8 & 9 of the UCC and law summaries from the Delaware Chancery and Supreme Courts.
Fastcase – Web-based legal research service with access to U.S. cases and statutes. Especially effective for searching state statutes.
HeinOnline – Provides access archival federal registers, law review journals, ABA Journal titles, etc. in a PDF format.
LawStack – Complete legal library on your iPad, plus the Constitution and the Federal Rules with an option to add the various codes and state statutes.
Legal Edge – Legal News App to help you stay informed about current legal development in all areas of the legal field.
Lexis Advance – The app is free, but a subscription is required to access the Lexis Advance content.
Manual of Patent Examining Procedure – Easy searching capabilities of the MPEP. A must for every patent attorney,
OpenReg – Access to regulations published in the Federal Register; track significant and economically significant regulations published in the Register. Have access to recently published notices regarding final and proposed rule-making and the ability to browse regulations by agency.
Patent Portal – Use this app to retrieve patents and patent applications from the U.S. Patent and Trademark office. Add notes to documents you retrieve and e-mail document sets to others with your notes intact.
PictureItSettled – An app to help you better picture your case negotiations and plan the next steps. This app can be used to track multiple negotiations. Tracks the dollar intervals between moves and the time intervals between offers. The offer history is then extrapolated in both dollar and time to assist parties in seeing whether and when they will reach a deal.
PUSH Legal – Provides access to the Federal Rules and Bankruptcy Code, Federal Sentencing Guidelines, Federal Search and Seizure Manuals, Delaware General Corporation Law, as well as select state code and access to annotations for statutes
Real Time Congress – Live updates from the U.S House and Senate sessions. Access to updates, schedules, and key policy documents as soon as they are released by Congress and the White House.
RuleBook – Access all federal and many state court rules, which are kept current through regular updates.
U.S. Code – Access to the entire U.S. Code by browsing, searching, or using legal citations to find the sections you are seeking. You can scroll through chapters; bookmark sections or e-mail them to yourself or others.
WestlawNext – The app is free, but a subscription is required to access the WestLawNext content.
Questions or comments? Drop me an email: jwh3@mindspring.com