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Posted Newsletter Editorial BoardJuly 2016Technology in the application world continues to evolve, for both platforms and, thanks to the internet, Robert Ambrogi and others, here are some apps for trial (Except as noted, all apps are available for Android and Apple devices).
AgileLaw enables paperless depositions. Litigators can now replace piles and piles of printed document exhibits with laptops and tablets. Although the app is free, using it requires a paid account with Agile Law
DepoPlus makes your depositions fully interactive. You can now use your Ipad to stream deposition video or make video clips by simply highlighting text. This is the perfect app for editorial purposes when it comes to depositions
This is a simple app for your iPad or iPhone. On this app you can create case folders and transcripts and also share you work through the app, Dropbox, or OneDrive.
The name of the app says it all. This allows users to review and annotate E-Transcripts anytime, anywhere.
This is a simple app that lets you view the news and analysis targeted to your interest; you can also receive alerts, so you can be up to date on all legal news.
This free app allows users to do quick legal research on the go! This is one of the most convenient law apps out there. Research federal and state cases right on your phone or tablet.
This app gives you a variety of resource centers involving litigation and transactional related areas of law. It also includes practice tools, expert analysis, new and commentary, and other wonderful features.
This app helps litigants analyze their positions and develop successful negotiation strategies. It uses data harvested from thousands of cases.
DocketLaw helps you keep your deadlines in check by basing the calendar off of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.
PaceMonitor is an app to help you stay on top of your Federal Court case dockets and filings.
This app enables you to create case folders on you tablet or phone and add exhibits and videos through either an iTunes or Dropbox account.
TrialTouch gives you on-the-go access to case materials, it also includes photos, videos, medical imagery, and more.
The Lexcity app provides help with witness prep, depositions, hearings, mediation, and trial or arbitration.
This app that helps you calculate and estimate the size and cost of your E-Discovery.
Questions or comments? Drop me an email: jwh3@mindspring.com