The legal profession, like the workforce at-large, is multigenerational. Our internal and external clients are not only Traditionalists and Boomers, but they are also Generation Xers and Millennials. Each generation has unique views, assets and challenges that are often overlooked or underutilized in the workplace.
Please join the Capital Area Bar Association (CABA), the Jackson Young Lawyers (JYL), and the Young Lawyer Division of the Mississippi Bar for a two-hour interactive Flash CLE to discuss the traits and characteristics of each generation as well as strategies on how to effectively communicate with and leverage the diverse views of each generation.
We will also discuss scenarios, personal experiences, and challenges or successes that younger attorneys face in the workplace and provide solutions and feedback on the same. Finally, we will share tips on how to reduce the potentially negative impact of generational biases that young attorneys may face or have concerning the practice of law.
March 16th, 2018
9:00 – 11:00 am
643 North State Street
Jackson MS 39202
The CLE is free to CABA and JYL members. The cost is $10.00 to non-members. Breakfast will be provided. Email Tiffany Graves to register.
Register for CLE